Medical insider: Digne could now be out 3x longer than feared amid Aston Villa latest

Aston Villa star Lucas Digne could be out of action for up to six weeks if reports concerning his fractured ankle are correct.

That is the view of medical expert Ben Dinnery, who runs the Premier Injuries site and has a background in injury and data analysis.

Digne, 29, was called up to the France squad for their recent Nations League double-header but has been forced to return to Merseyside through injury.

As relayed by Birmingham Live on Tuesday (27 September), French outlet L’Equippe reported that the left-back could miss two weeks of action.

But the timeline for a fractured ankle could extend to three times that estimate, explains Dinnery.

“It was French outlet L’Equippe that reported it was a hairline fracture of the ankle,” he told Football Insider’s Adam Williams.

I am always a little bit wary of foreign outlets reporting injury news. There have been a lot of examples of timelines going a little bit awry.

If that were the case, he would return to Villa for a full evaluation and assessment. If that was revealed to be the case, I can’t see the two-week timeline being realistic.

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If it is a fracture, I would be looking between four and six weeks At best, it could be mid to late October. At worst, it could be creeping up to November.

But we need to know the precise nature of the injury. At the moment, we are just going by what’s reported.


By: Ben Dinnery
Title: Medical insider: Digne could now be out 3x longer than feared amid Aston Villa latest
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Published Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:52:00 +0000